ARTHROSAMID is a hydro-gel polymer, a 'liquid prosthesis', which is injected into the knee and completely integrates into the membrane (synovium) around the knee after 3 months.

What is revolutionary about this non-soluble gel is that it is permanent, i.e. it continues to perform a cushioning function for years.
This is in contrast to cortisone, PRP or hyaluronic acid injections, which often have to be repeated several times a year.

ARTHROSAMID has been proven to be safe.
It has been used in urology for 25 years and appears to be completely 'inert', meaning it does not react with the body, similar to a dental implant or knee prosthesis.
After remarkably favorable results in racehorses, this application in humans was started 10 years ago.
After administering more than 6,000 knee injections in 200 practices, it appears that in more than 70% of patients in whom the injection was administered up to 5 years ago, there has been a favorable effect to date (= January 2024). Up to 78% in persons under 70 years of age.

There is an improvement in the complaints (WOMAC scale: -17 points), up to 3 years after a single ARTHROSAMID treatment. This is just as good as a classic knee prosthesis.

The pain of knee osteoarthritis is, in addition to the cartilage wear, a disease of the synovium, a very sensitive membrane that surrounds each joint and that secretes the lubricant for the joint itself. ARTHROSAMID soothes the inflamed synovium, producing a better quality synovial lubricant, thus slowing natural wear and tear.
It appears to have a strong and long-lasting analgesic effect.
A diseased knee swells because the synovial membrane secretes too much inferior watery fluid, instead of an oily lubricant.
This watery fluid does more 'grinding' than the normal 'sliding' of healthy synovial lubricant.

ARTHROSAMID stabilizes the wear and tear of the cartilage and reduces pain complaints for a long time after just one treatment.
Knee prosthesis placement can be postponed for years.

6 ml of ATHROSAMID is introduced into the joint at the Radiologist Service under ultrasound or X-ray guidance, with a thin needle (21G, 0.8 mm thin).
The presence of a small amount of iodine-containing contrast fluid allows the correct location to be reached in a controlled manner. Please note if you are allergic to iodine contrast agent.
This medical procedure is no more painful than a blood test.

For the examination, you will be given 4 pills of antibiotics one hour before the injection to reduce the risk of infection.
After the treatment you will stay in the practice for another fifteen minutes before going home.
You must be accompanied by a supervisor because you are not allowed to drive for the first 24 hours.
The week after the injection you should behave calmly: no sports, but normal activities such as walking, cycling and doing the housework are allowed.

Your complaints will only slowly start to diminish after 1 month.
And after 3 to 4 months the maximum beneficial effect is achieved, which will last for years.

The cost of the ARTHROSAMID, the product, the injection, the ultrasound or X-ray and guidance is € 2,250 per knee, one-off.
The largest cost concerns the product itself. You should compare this price with the alternative of years of consultations with specialists, injections, physiotherapy, medication, pain, inability to work, worries and loss of time.

If you are considering this treatment, a preliminary intake consultation with us is required, during which an X-ray, ultrasound or Conebeam CT will be taken, unless we have access to medical images more recent than 6 months.
An ultrasound scan checks whether you still have fluid in the knee or a possible cyst at the back of the knee (Baker's cyst).
That moisture must first be removed. This takes place on site during the same sitting time. The entire procedure takes less than one hour.

Kind regards,
Dr. Francis CUIGNIEZ, radiologist

Additional information about ARTHROSAMID can be found here.
You can email questions to:


Understanding your Arthrosamid® treatment
View the package leaflet here


knee osteoarthritis? Take the next step in managing your pain
View the brochure here


Clinical data - An intra-articular polyacrylamide hydro-gel (iPAAG) a new therapeutic concept.
View the summary here


View the flyer here


View the brochure here


Indications, patient groups and use
View the instructions for use here