For Physicians

Osteoarticular treatments
- General: intra-articular injections: Medrol, Albicort, Xylocaine, Hyaluronic acid (1% or 2%), or other substances.
- Lumbar facet joint infiltrations: Usually L4-L5-S1 on the side of the painful facet joint (Albicort).
- Ultrasound-guided intra- and peritendinous infiltrations: Steroïds, Xylocaine, and other substances such as De Quervain.
- PSH (periarthritis of the shoulder): Dry needling the rotatorcuff. Comparable results to surgery or ESWL.
- Shoulder: Selective bursal, gleno-humeral, acromioclavicular, or combinations (=' triplex').
- Test injections: hip, knee, thumb... : Xylocaine and Médrol. Used to evaluate: The cause of the pain syndrome and the possible future effect of hyaluronic acid injections.
- Plantar fasciitis: injections, dry needling.
- PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma): Autologous blood concentrate. Injection material costs: €150.
- Small joints: Elbow, wrist, thumb CMC, PIP and DIP, fingers en toes.
- Evacuation of lytic hematomas