For Physicians

Patients receive a written report in a closed envelope that is addressed to the referring doctor. On the envelope there’s a sticker with a reference number. Patients can use this number to access their images online. They cannot consult the report online.
Images are available online within 30 minutes of the examination via PACSonWEB. This is a secure cloud-based solution to quickly and safely consult medical images and reports. It is certified by the Belgian Medical Association (Orde van Geneesheren).
Go to and log in with your email address and your password.
You can obtain a PACSonWEB password here.
Did you forget your password?
Call 03-780.17.40 or
For more information: see the press release "Klantvriendelijker voor huisarten" (Dutch).
PACSonWEB distributes and exchanges images and reports of more than 100 radiology departments. These are mostly private practices, but even large clinics use this method.
The examinations of all your patients are visible in one list that’s easily accessible. As a doctor, you have to log in with your email address and a password.
You can easily forward examinations and results to your colleagues by clicking the link Doorsturen. This link is situated at the top right when you’re viewing an examination in PACSonWEB.
Images are stored for at least 2 years. Afterwards, they can be retrieved from our personal servers. We archive all images since November 1997, mammographies since 2011.
You have to fill in a separate referral form for each diagnostic problem. This is a legal obligation.